VarioPARTS Floor lashing rail Vario-O

The lashing rail to be inserted flush in the vehicle floor enables a considerable improvement of the lashing angles and low lashing forces as a result. 

Because the attachment of the lashing straps on the outer framework only allows for flat lashing angles with low forces. The Vario-O floor lashing rail’s product layout allows the user to attach straps in a variety of angles and directions centrally every 250 mm. You can use straps with double pointed hooks and/or with carabiner hooks.

Our floor lashing rail is certified according to DIN EN 12640. When using our cross members and endcarriages you can also use the Vario-O screw system for this, reducing installation times even further..

Gegevens - VarioPARTS

Optioneel met bevestigingsmateriaal voor de belastingszone in het VarioSAVE®-systeem

Anti-slip bar 120 x 100 mm of 100 x 80 mm, met certificaat voor de schuifwrijvingscoëfficiënt


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